Friday, 25 May 2007

Welcome to J-Utopia…

„Pal! I found it! I finally found someone who knows something about the location of one of the planets hidden in P-City!”

A rather small person in the barely lit room, woke up from his sleep, sitting in a big and cosy armchair, and said, with a sleepy voice, to the tall women, in the door ”Which one?”, she replied “It’s Coruscus, not Trentor!”.

So they got all their scientific instruments, informed their colleagues, and travelled with their space ship, for some days from the modern part of P-City to this remote location of this unparalleled “City”.

For centuries this city is growing, incorporating at least a stellar sector.

So they flew at maximum speed through one of the main caverns, surrounded by endless queues of transporters and personal space ships, all on their way to one of the trillions of homes and places, surrounding them in this organic space city.

Slimène stared out of the over sized window, and thought about this place, which always fascinated her. She lived in one part of this artificial stellar organism all her life.

She often thinks about how it must have been to live in a different place, in the past where everything was much slower and unconnected. Without the luxuries of this interconnected shifting, organic place formed every day anew by the thoughts and will of trillions of living beings.

She never felt lost in this world, because in her culture, inter-connected thinking is such an usual thing, and location and structure in this network is not of such an importance.

It is like your surrounding network of things and places is a mirror of your brain, your surrounding environments shift all the time, connected and built like your thoughts and neurons of your personal neural network.

Your own entity often melts with your surrounding … your body is your personal core, but you always can expand further, out of your real boundaries, you even can be at several places in several artificial bodies, or even natural beings, sharing all things of this universe at the same time, living as a somewhat multi-entity…

In the past, many would have identified this connected experiencing of the world, as the ‘force’, ‘qi’ or ‘mana’, but it is in its creation something artificial … but sometimes you can’t see anymore if it is really something artificial.

Sometimes Slimène thinks, maybe we learned also to hear some form of universal connection, like they described in the ancient times.

Maybe it is because this world of organisms have grown so vast, maybe we are just one part of a self aware entity, and we are the neurons within it and feel the will of this maybe universal entity, through this universal connection, for the first time since things like the force were described.

Maybe it is the next step to connect even hidden places like, which we are on our way right now, places within this network, which has become so vast that the normal connection is not able to reach, from one end to the other…

…so we had to leave our network, which we are used to, and once again explore and get connected to an other part of this connected universe…

… maybe it is crucial to always rewire, reconnect and refresh the network and to built up new local networks, maybe the universal connection is not thought to be completely understood and experienced as the artificial connection.

As a human from the ancient world would put it, this city is a place where everything is created and experienced through the force, a utopia for every Jedi, where Jedi masters are normal people.

The civilization is built and living without anything else then the force and them who use it, as force-engineers of this force engineered world.

And then they dove down in one of the billions of cracks and tubes surrounded by citadels and lights, down to the remote locations of this city, disconnected from the network surrounding, which they are used to…

… she felt a new kind of freedom, a freedom from the free organic living ocean of information, things and places, which Slimène was so used to…

…for the first time she didn’t have to filter, link and organise the loosely connected information and places in her body-environment network, …when her eyes slowly were closing, when she fell asleep, to wake up in a new world…

…”It’s full of ways and possibilities”…

Authors Note:

After I had a nice small conversation per SMS with a good friend of mine about the force and wishing him luck for his math Matura.

25/05/2007 10:12

Thursday, 24 May 2007

Attempting (to write the first official shortstory)...

Nothing seems as it is!

(witziger Irrtum im original)?

Nothing is as it seems!

The beginning is a very delicate time…

Death is as important as the question for what life is

The world is not supposed to be explained or fully understood… it would be the dictatorship of answer … and the humanitarian side (life cycle would be stopped … love would be stopped)

There are so many possibilities (& fiction) … and all of them should have space … & freedom…

“Jin & Jang” – seen not as two … but as one…

Aeonflux (mit Papa am 6 5 07 um 2000, einstimmig super designerisch und durchdachter und innovativer film) (nachdem wir heute einen sehr angenehmen Familien tag hatten, und ich mir mehr und mehr meiner Verpflichtungen meiner naiven Fantasie, Lebenslust und liebe für alles und die Familie wieder bewusst werde, und die Menschlichkeit und die unendliche Komplexität und zyklische leben akzeptiere und genieße wie einen wein und das leben und natur und liebe und Fantasie und Geborgenheit und die Vielfalt und die Familie…etc……..)

Kein Tot ist unnütz…

Kein Leben ist unnütz…

Diese Welt der Komplexität und Schönheit zeigen und vorführen anhand der sci fi story, das alles möglich ist und alles miteinander verbunden ist selbst in dieser fernen Zukunft und dass alles aller Zeiten und Welten (Fantasie, Realität und Perspektiven und parallele Welten) zusammen an einem Strang für ein gemeinsame Welt der Vielfalt ziehen und FORMEN, in der alles und jeder durch das einzelne kleinste teil wiederentdeckt werden kann und ein einzelnes ding alles beeinflussen kann, es ist alles eine Welt, in der in Wahrheit Realität mit Perspektive und Fantasie verschwimmt und nur aus einem anderen Blickwinkel gesehen wird aber immer das gleiche große all umfassende und doch so vielseitige ding ist!!!

I welcome you at a future point in time, where all is aware of all which, was, is and will be

I welcome you at a future point in time, where the last question has to be answered, because all others are found out and link up to this one… it’s the point when the entropy is reversed or not reversed…

But before we answer the question, we have to see the endless time before this maybe last moment in time…

The question if there is a point… where all boils up to one question…

… and then reverse or start anew like death and life… or will it life on in perfect harmony with all its “negative” and “positive” sides of life … as it did till this day … or will there a final answer, an enlighten … or doom … which will stop this universe in endless emptiness-like stability, were all is stable but nothing moves … or where all/we are reaching a level of unexplainable satisfaction… and the universe will be a stagnant haven….

Who knows…

… but in the past the question of time was more relevant… …. When will be this point… before we ask what will happen then…

We say there is this point… but we don’t know when and how it will be answered…

…. There is just a future point in time, which I welcome you to!

…. On our travel back to understand this point…

This imagination of mine which is so endlessly divers but trying to be described is the thing I want to show you in this … all my stories… … but probably all my stories will always just capture one imagination of all the endless possibilities and versions of things, time and space

It should be a world where all worlds (reality, and fantasy and fantasy we would like to be reality, and our perspectives (all of them) of reality have space and even fit in and together, but still send a message how the world could be different(/better))


I welcome you at some point in time, looking back in time and space to observe a part of time and space…

I welcome you to this part of time and space…


I welcome you at a possibility and version of a point in time, looking back on possibilities and versions of time and space to observe a possibility and version of a part of time and space…

I welcome you to this possibility and version of this part of time and space…

I welcome you to the answer, which is not known, till you found it… for yourself or all of us… … a part of the answer

Everything is part of all… but everything can never be the same as all and one … or just don’t we want it to be like that?


Welcome to this possibility…

The Universe is interconnected, every life form can discover it… though it has unknown and undiscovered places, but in some way all of this is working together… … working together to achieve the unknown final universal all connecting question and answer… if it exists

One of at least two big space incorporating organisations, under this universal connection is a organisation called some of its members the Yang or Yin or Pjiulmps or etc… … we may call it Pjiulmps…

… because we will see this world from the eyes of one or few people, which all of them will refer to it as the Pjiulmps Enion … connected in the A.o.t.s.S., which is just another world for this indefinable all connecting universal network.

This Enion, for short, is very divers organised and structured…

The place and view I want to tell you about, where this world is described with the Aotss and the Pjiulmps Enion, are some planets partly inhabited by aliens and dissidents of the human species, we call them just humans, even when they may differ to the humans you know...

…and at the beginning of my possibility … there takes a discussion place … and this is a part of it … of this discussion which is no longer than approximately 45 earth minutes, which doesn’t mean they masseur it like that…


11/05/2007 ~22:00 (nach wiederaufleben von Star Trek und Botf und DS9 Interesse)


You, you and you, everyone … come closer, come together … that’s right … and listen to … no, no, no … re-experience the stories of the past! …

Become one with the adventures of life, in this living universe and therefore with time it self! …

All this life and adventures of our ancestors are now always with us, in every form, always surrounding us, connecting, linking, binding us all, together in this vast interconnected living universe! …

Let’s now re-experience it yourself…

… …

… was telling me …

… so his name was Noah Elsideon.

In his country …

… I walked down the street to reach the planetary information hub …


You, you and you, everyone … come closer, come together … that’s right … and listen to … no, no, no … (re-)experience the stories of the past, this universe, … NO! … Of time itself! …

Become one with the adventures of life, in this living universe and therefore with time it self! …

All this life and adventures of our ancestors … NO! … “Geschwister” are now always with us, in every form, always surrounding us, connecting, linking, binding us all, together in this vast interconnected living universe and time! …

Thus now (re-)experience it (yourself)(or with other words as one)…

… …

… was telling me …

… so his name was Noah Elsideon.

In his country …

… I walked down the street to reach the planetary information hub …

I really want to make the reader experience “this experience”, like it was one of his own experience, “looking back from a distant (personal) (maybe perfect, harmonious, calm, which form whatever, is kept open…) future” or better re-experiencing time without a point in time (, from a personal standpoint).

If you are in this future linked up with all other things in the universe and thus for the first time really re-experience the pure and true past and thus history, or if you still exist as an own entity and re-experience your own past, distorted or not distorted, is to be kept open…

… but is this question not unnecessary, because would you know the difference, would there be one if everything is connected and one?!...

…But at the same time I want to show them something, but together, and they should be aware of this, but as it was their own experience…


You, you and you, everyone … come closer, come together … that’s right … and listen to … no, no, no … (re-)experience the stories of the past, this universe, … NO! … Of time itself! …

Become one with the adventures of life, in this living universe and therefore with time it self! …

All this life and adventures of our ancestors … NO! … “Geschwister” are now always with us, in every form, always surrounding us, connecting, linking, binding us all, together in this vast interconnected living universe and time! …

Thus now (re-)experience it (yourself)(or with other words as one)…

… …

… is telling me …

… so his name is Noah Elsideon.

In his country …

… I am walking down the street to reach the planetary information hub …

Now I tried to write it in present tense to make it feel more like time is no barrier in experiencing these parts of time… ?

24/05/2007 16:47

Oder sollte die Handlung eine Lägende vielfältig interpretierbar und erzählbar sein, kurz bevor das Universum eins wird mit allem aus vergangenheit und zukunft, in der gegenwart, zu einem?

Nachdem ich mit Papa und Mama über Globalisierung streitete und die Meinung vertrat, dass alles gewachsen sein muss und diversifiziert, siehe auch gerade nochmal gesehene letzter Kampf in episode III mit Obiwan und anakin, wo obiwan sagt, „Just sith deal in absolute terms“. (Das netzwerk wächst stetig oder durch schocks (gesunde und weniger gesunde), China = schock, EU = schock, UN = mehr oder weniger gewachsen/durch schock (je nach Ansicht ob nach WWII oder nach Kalten krieg – Globalisierung => neue UN – föderale (vielleicht grass root) global system, gewachsen.

Old republic, gewachsen, aber falsch integriert, schock artig die handelsföderation integriert, nicht konsens gefunden…

Wachsen = possebilities

03.06.2007 16:19