Monday 12 May 2008


May we introduce ourselves; we are the Goddess Padisha Empress Ishtar Elsideon.
Empress of the known world, of everything under heavens.
This is the planet, where all our subjects are represented.

As Empress we unite everything, no matter how different, which size or time.
Everything in this world has but one obligation, the bondage to us.
All of you must be able to disconnect from all others, except us.

We unite by the sheer power of lifeless weapons, which we command directly.
May the imperial symbols help everyone understand that.

We may not bother with the regulation of you all, we are the uniter, nothing else concerns us, than the bondage to us, and no bondage must depend on the other, except us.

We may be advised, by the nobility, a heredetal group of our dynasty, trained as specialists from birth on, for being examples of the best and wisest of the best and wisest of all under us.

We are the one, the smallest, but everything binding entity, the head of the all incorporating unit, representing the smallest units within, as head.

So may we show you the planet, and it's system, a system in the core, the core is where we are, but it's just one system of many different, but one of the everything incorporating unit. We are at the top of this unit, of everything, known to anyone, always and everywhere.

The system of this planet is one of all, our favourites, at the moment.

This planet called earth is governed, by the three parliaments, and a local hereditary or elected governor who is but a symbol of the unity of this planet, and constituted in a system, copying our system of the Padisha.

The three parliaments are: the ideological parliament: always speaking up all the varieties of the ideologies which are present and thinkable within their realm. The representatives in this parliament are elected by all subjects. They are not fixed to one ideology, they are a pool of elected professionals which personify their subjects, and thus they may discuss, decide and discover all those ideologies.
Beneath this ideological parliament are the legislative and the executive parliaments.
In those parliaments the representatives are equal entities elected by all subjects, who represent the will of the subjects. Thus they diced which professionals may define and decide which laws and actions are needed to be formed and done to fulfil the ideology represented in the first parliament.

We like this system, because it separates the will of the subjects, adds professionality, and is kept away from the decision making, thus one can create freely the leading ideology, and parallel another elected body, decides who may enforce and set it in motion.

Thus there are elections, where the ideology of the electable representatives is the question, and elections where the competence of the electable representatives in being able to choose a professional law- or action-maker and definer, is the question.

Separating the what from the who, without fixing the who to a person, because the legislative and executive who is chosen by their parliaments, which are fixed for a term.

As we give everything legitimacy through unity, the ideology parliament, gives legitimacy all actions. But the other two parliaments give the professionals, the persons legitimacy, who act and decide.

May you enjoy your stay, in one system and planet of everything, everything, us.

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